
Bitcoin Seminar - Your entry into the world of digital currencies

Digital or cryptographic currencies are currently a frequent topic in the media. On the one hand, there are repeated reports that a provider of Bitcoin accounts has been hacked and investors have lost their money - on the other hand, it is repeatedly pointed out that Bitcoin could change the world. 

Enter the world of digital currencies, the next step in the digital revolution. Learn the background to digital currencies and apply the digital currency live in the seminar. Understand the opportunities and risks that arise from this technological development for you personally and for your company. Become familiar with the right tools for independent and secure storage of Bitcoin. 

The seminar provides answers to the following questions:
  • What is Bitcoin and how does the Bitcoin system work?
  • How does Bitcoin differ from existing currencies?
  • What about the Security with Bitcoin?
  • Why could Bitcoin be the next step in the digital revolution?
  • What are possible Future scenarios that Bitcoin makes possible, and why is it useful to take a closer look at Bitcoin?
  • How can Bitcoin in practice use: How and where can I buy Bitcoins and how do transactions with Bitcoin work in practice?
  • Which is the best way Store Bitcoins safely?

Target group:
Entrepreneurs, managers, investors, private individuals

Experienced IT entrepreneurs, certified Bitcoin experts and Bitcoin startup investors 
Ronald Zemp, M.A. HSG, M.B.A. Nanyang, Certified Bitcoin Professional
Marco Ghinolfi, B. Sc. UZH, Certified Bitcoin Professional
Martin Schawalder, M.A. HSG, M.B.A. Nanyang, Certified Bitcoin Professional

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